instagram explore tutorial by maxad
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Sometimes we see posts in our Instagram Explorer that we are not interested in this type of content at all, or we want to change the content of our Instagram Explorer posts based on our own taste; But we don't know how?!
In this post, we will teach you how to delete unnecessary posts in Explorer in just 5 minutes or change the contents of your Explorer according to your taste.
So stay with us until the end of this article.
We all know Instagram Explorer is curated based on our tastes, but have you ever wondered how Instagram does it?
A person entering Instagram for the first time, how does Instagram know what kind of posts they are interested in?
The answer is simple, from the search section of Instagram!
The first time you enter Instagram and search for a page, Instagram realizes that you are interested in these types of pages and posts, and then arranges the content of your explorer based on this topic.
The first step to change the content of Instagram Explorer is to delete your search history.
To clear the Instagram Explorer search history , just touch the Instagram Explorer button first.
Then touch the See all button on the right and top of the screen.
Click the Clear all button.
And finally click the Clear all button to delete all your search history.
Another way Instagram can recognize our favorite content is by what kinds of posts we've liked before.
The question that arises is that, now that the work is over, how can we clear the worthless contents of our explorer?
To do this, first touch the explore button.
Then click on the post you don't want to be displayed in your explorer.
Click on the three dots.
Click the Not interested button in the opened menu.
This message indicates that Instagram will no longer show this post and similar posts in your explorer.
If you delete a post by mistake, you can click the Undo button.
In the explorer section, you will see that this post is no longer displayed to you.
Note that by doing this once, all similar posts will not be deleted, you have to do this several times in a row.
If you do this continuously, after a few minutes you will see that these types of posts will no longer be displayed to you.
After you have done the previous things, there is only one thing left to change Instagram Explorer.
At this point, you should enter the explore section, delete the posts you don't like using the mentioned method and like the posts you want to see more.
Do this for two minutes and refresh and do it again; After five minutes, you will see that the content of your Instagram Explorer changes.